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German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA)
US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO)
World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva (WIPO)
European Patent Office (EPO)
OAMI / Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM)
Industrial Property Rights in the EU
Trilateral cooperation page of EPO, JPO, USPRO
Other patent offices listed with the DPMA
Patent Classification
EPO classification
International Patent Classification (IPC) (DPMA)
Ibiblio: index to all US patent classes
USPTO: patent class definitions
IFI CLAIMS: US patent class definitions
US-IPC concordance
WIPO: international classifications
Trademark Classifications
Nice Classification
German classification of goods and services (in German)
US Goods and Services Classification Index
Courts, Institutions, and Associations
German Federal Patent Tribunal (BPatG)
German Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (Patentanwaltskammer)
German Federal Supreme Court of Justice (BGH)
German Institution for Arbitration
German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG)
US Supreme Court
Exploiters of Invention Patent Exploitation
Paton Office for the Exploitation of Inventions (in German)
Directory of invention promoters and patent exploiters (in German)
Creventis Services exploitation of inventions
US Patents and Trademarks
Bitlaw: Patent Law
USPTO: Trademark Information
Bitlaw: Trademark Law
United States and Trademark Office
Compilation of Opinions
Jurisprudential search engine for court opinions (in German)
German and international courts and their decisions (in German)
German Case Law (BGH, BVerfG)
Selected Decisions by the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH)
Compilation of Opinions by the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH)
Compilation of Opinions by the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH)
Compilation of decisions at online-recht.de (in German)
Compilation of Opinions at jurat.de (in German)
Archive for trademark and patent law (in German)
Decisions by the German Patent Tribunal (BPatG)
German and International Laws, Treaties, and Directives
Transpatent: Germany (in German)
Transpatent: Industrial property rights in Germany (in German)
Rechtscentrum.de (in German)
Online-Recht (legal pages in German)
Cornell Law School: search engine and listings of US laws and opinions
U.S. General Services Administration: listings of US laws and related publications
Harvard Journal of Law & Technology: items on US trademark legislation in the internet
GGMark: Responses to US trademark issues
IP-Helpdesk of the European Union
University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Selection of jurisprudential databases(in German)
Industrial Property Rights in the EU
www.kandidatentreff.de: virtual meeting point of patent law students
German Federal legal codes on the internet (in German)
Internet journal for legal IT specialists, including jurisprudential search engine